Sunday, February 23, 2014

Maybe hopefully.

Something fell while you were walking over there.

My jaw.

Oh no my friends. I wish I could say for the first time in forever, I'm feeling anxious for I might eventually like someone. But I can't. I have felt the same agitation many times before and it used to be easier. Forgetting was as fast as a blink of an eye before and I wonder why it is no more.

Him and I may not tantamount to we in the future based on the response I have received from him. Do I move on and think negatively or do I remain optimistic and hoping? The latter is more piercing but perhaps so what? It won't take long to recover right? I've turned to forgetting always previously so it's time to change now.

I am to hold on to this dream and stay hopeful thay maybe like what Frozen reiterated, "for the first time in forever" maybe we can be better friends for at least.

Thank you for reading.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Lessons from a moment of rain

It was a sunny day and I decided to go out. I was garbed so well and prepared a lot. I had scenes in my mind of what I dream that day would bring. I dipped my foot under Mr. Sunshine's warmth and light. The rays kissed my skin and the temperature hugged my soul. Everything seemed lovely. Things was getting no less than better. It was the perfect day out. Then it drizzled. The bright blue sky turned gray. The cheerful sun hid somewhere not even my hopes can find. It hid at the same time my heart almost halted from breathing. It was a moment of truth. Well, I thought it was. It rained even more. It poured so heavily. The next thing I knew was the heaven and my heart cried at the same time. We wept over the beautiful that the day could've become. All I could understand that time was my failure. It hovered within my mind and I thought it was endless. Until that hour came. I was too tired to think, see, and feel. I engrossed myself onto the seemingly neverending pain. My friends would try to shelter me but I wanted to face the rain. I wanted to experience it. I wanted to conquer it. Where did this take me? It took me underneath the dark clouds of negligence which later on almost took the life out of me. I knew it was wrong to be negative so I enjoyed the rain. I allowed it to cleanse my dreams and washout the unimportant priorities. I learned that I wore a lot of unneccessary worries and it pulls me down. Thank God for the rain that somehow washed them away. Thank God for the gray sky because it triggered me to seek a brighter light. Thank God for the experience. I am now stronger and more enduring.

This rain was a tornado named work. It's either I let this tornado destroy me or I survive and make a living out of it.

I thought the struggle was the moment of truth. That life is not ideal and this is not to be valued. Then the real truth shone in the form of a rainbow. This is an even better picture of a perfect day out and this beautiful thing is what God wanted me to see. To those who are losing hope out there, trust what you can do and His plans for you. 

Happy Friday!