As-salamu alaikum wa
rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!
Oh hi!
So this post is
dedicated to the memory of our dogs. I feel bad for making
this sound as if they’re dead. They’re not. It’s just that if in
case they’ll souls may find peace, I’ll have an unfading and remindful memory of
We have three dogs, four puppies, and seven of
them are totally cute. I must’ve named them cute, Awesome,
Wonderful, Kawaii, Delightful, Charming, and Amazing but no. I didn’t have the chance. Their names are Boughart, Jims,
Pungge (small tailed), King, Fighter, Prince, and Princess. Awesome names still. Boughart is the
fiercest we’ve got. Jims is like the sweetest dog. He loves resting his
head on my foot even when I cross leg. Not only my foot but
others as well. He even rests the
cuteness of his face on my lap. Pungge is a mother of four. She’s a mother, need
I say more? The roles of mothers
are noble. I can’t relate to her a word other than noble
(but not human-noble of course). King, Fighter,
Prince, and Princess are warriors at heart. They are knights
against each other. They always fight swallow-like the head of one
another. My parents call this cuddling
and I can’t understand how on Earth
does putting your kin’s head inside your mouth
called cuddling. Well, I guess dogs
have an entirely different dictionary. That’s all about
Speaking of
dictionary, I recently looked the word “dog”. Nothing interesting,
I thought.
I clicked on this tab
“types of dog” and there I found Belgian Griffon,
Great Pyreness, Newfoundland, and other more I have
read for the first time.
Much to my surprise I
And I was like
m y f a v o r i t e
. . .