Friday, August 12, 2011

Was a Christian, am a Muslim

Hi readers! This blog is about the disparity between my antecedent life as a Christian and the life I have now as a servant of Allah Subhana wa ta’aAllah.

My parents used to be faithful and religious Roman Catholics. Working overseas in the Middle East impeded their growth as Catholics. They found no church or whatever way to get closer to Jesus Christ (peace be upon Him) the Roman Catholic way. Instead, they were invited to fellowships by Born-again Christians. There, they became better people; improved their faith; and had someone to hold on to and introduce to us as God. Yes, I grew up in the conservative community of BA Christians. How is it like to be a BA Christian?

Christianity taught me this:

1.       Jesus Christ PBUH is God.

2.       Obey the 10 commandments.

3.       Levy 10% of your income to the church.

4.       Attend the church.

5.       Be sociable and really cordial.

6.       Always say “praise God!” when appropriate.

7.       God is good all the time. All the time God is good.

8.       Pray before eating.

9.       Initiate to lead the prayer if I may.

10.   Be active!

11.   Be generous.

12.   Be sociable.

13.   Learn to play musical instruments esp for fellowships.

14.   The teachings of the bible.

15.   John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have an everlasting life.

So this is the Top 15. These are the foremost matters I can recall. By the way, “be sociable” was showcased twice because I find it a premier quality. As a Christian we went to bible studies twice or thrice a week and being non-sociable is a no-no. BA Christians do not ask that as pre-requisite but common sense, in an area surrounded by people there is no room for being a morose. Right?  Now let me modify these 15 points to showcase that Christianity and Islam has few similarities. :o)
The similarities are indeed very few.
I would like to tell you that Islam is a very specific religion. Well, it is more detailed than Christianity. Others may find it a very demanding religion but once you learn it by heart it will be piece of cake to comply. Actually, I find Islam’s elaborateness an advantage. It provides the most vivid guidelines thus saving its readers from ignorance. You know how people justify themselves with “Oh I did not know it is prohibited” or “I don’t think I am doing illicit, might as well carry on. If I am mistaken, well I did not know.” Also the Quran states what punishment is tantamount to a certain sin. For example: Backbiting your brother or revealing to people negative things about him which he intends to conceal is like eating from his flesh. Readers, the punishment is not harsh. The sin is! If you may find the sentence cruel, understand that Islam does not aim to punish ruthlessly. It bestows that kind of penalty to make one understand how terrible it is to sin. If your mom tells you the cake in front of you is poisoned would you care to eat it to test if it really is deadly? Of course not. Like your mom in the example, Islam aims to sustain your life to the extent of the hereafter. Islam reveals which is forbidden and which is ideal; what punishment is tantamount to a certain sin and what reward is equal to a good deed. Do you know that reciting a mere verse from the Quran can multiply your good deeds to at least 10 and to as much as… basically, more of that? Islam is indeed reasonable, no doubt.
These are snippets of my learnings from Islam: Masha’Allah (praise God)
1.       La ilaha ill Allah Muhamadar rasooloo Allah – There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His prophet.
Among the verses in Islam this is the most liked by Allah Subhana wa ta a’Allah. :o)
2.       Saying “Subhan Allah wa bihamdhi” 100 times has a reward of making you sinless for one day. Masha’Allah! This is how generous Allah is.  :o)
3.       Allah SWT has 99 names. Yes, one God with 99 names from 99 of His qualities. Allah Subhana wa ta’a Allah is indeed the All-Knower, Most merciful, Most generous and 96 more. :o)
4.       The Angels are incapable of committing sins. It is nice to be an angel but Allah knows best why we are humans.
5.       The foremost major sin in Islam is to associate partners with Allah SWT. That is praising deity/ies other than Him; slaughtering an animal while uttering other than His name; and saying for example, I was saved because of Allah and His Messenger. Allah alone does what He wishes. If Allah designates, only Him deserves our praise.
6.       Children, honor and obey your mother. After her your mother. Then your mother after.  After her your mother. Then your mother after.  After her your mother. Then your mother after.  Then your father. Mothers are well respected in Islam. Being unjust to your mother is the second major sin in Islam.
7.       Remain tidy. Bad odour and untidiness pushes our angels away.
8.       Love your neighbor.
9.       Recompense evil with a greater good.
10.   Women, reserve yourselves for your husbands. Do not fornicate.
These are only some of Islam’s teachings. I personally find Islam tranquil and soothing. I have been into a couple of religion and I am glad to finally be a Muslim. It is with Allah that I have found genuine peace. Being a Christian is good but being a Muslim is the best. Islam and its intricate teachings are continuously rectifying my soul. They say no change happens over night. I negate because every time I read Islamic books, I feel renewed and better right away. That is how fast Allah responds. I have prayed many times to Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) before but praying to Allah SWT is way different and brings the most difference. All praises are due to only Allah. :o)

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