Sunday, December 11, 2011

Puppy power

As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!
Oh hi!

So this post is dedicated to the memory of our dogs. I feel bad for making this sound as if they’re dead. They’re not. It’s just that if in case they’ll souls may find peace, I’ll have an unfading and remindful memory of them. 

We have three dogs, four puppies, and seven of them are totally cute. I must’ve named them cute, Awesome, Wonderful, Kawaii, Delightful, Charming, and Amazing but no. I didn’t have the chance. Their names are Boughart, Jims, Pungge (small tailed), King, Fighter, Prince, and Princess. Awesome names still. Boughart is the fiercest we’ve got. Jims is like the sweetest dog. He loves resting his head on my foot even when I cross leg. Not only my foot but others as well. He even rests the cuteness of his face on my lap.  Pungge is a mother of four. She’s a mother, need I say more? The roles of mothers are noble.  I can’t relate to her a word other than noble (but not human-noble of course). King, Fighter, Prince, and Princess are warriors at heart. They are knights against each other. They always fight swallow-like the head of one another. My parents call this cuddling and I can’t understand how on Earth
 does putting your kin’s head inside your mouth called cuddling. Well, I guess dogs have an entirely different dictionary. That’s all about them.

Speaking of dictionary, I recently looked the word “dog”. Nothing interesting, I thought.
I clicked on this tab “types of dog” and there I found Belgian Griffon, Great Pyreness, Newfoundland, and other more I have read for the first time.

Much to my surprise I saw…

And I was like

m y    f  a  v  o  r  i  t  e

. . .

The single ladies (and gentlemen)

Everyone has experienced this state of being single
but there is a bunch of reasons to why they (we) remain so.

1.       Juvenility
Youthfulness has been blamed many a times
 for making us ineligible to comprehend matters of the adults.  

Youth is also the reason for many of our restrictions. 


2.       7 B’s aka Books Before Boys cos Boys Bring Babies
Lol. Please imagine an “Ana” instead of a “Harry” in the picture.
I was too tired. o_O

3. Lack of self-esteem
Sometimes it ain’t the shortcomings of how we look.
Often, how we carry our selves matter more.
We often see beautiful girls date a so-and-so looking guy.
Some of us might say
“Oh she’s gotten nuts”
Or “Yea he might be filthy rich”.
But those aren’t the case sometimes.
Or most of the times.
The truth is he carries himself so well that he makes her feel good about herself.
No one wants to date a negative-vibed person anyway, right?
 No? What, you don’t think so?
You just flattered a heart by disagreeing.

Well, enjoy you disagreeing people.

4. Self-conceitedness
As much as there are people who lack confidence, there are those who overflow of it.
He’s all that or she’s all that.
He and she is too good for you.
Actaually, this is not a healthy attitude.
Love should have no standards.
That’s because love is not selfish.
We should be ready to love others as we love our self.
I think. :o)

5. Afraid heart
There are people who are afraid of getting themselves hurt
And having their hearts broken.
Love for them is:


6. Focus
Some people are too focused on what they do
that they find no time for love.

7. Reservedness
The roots of this is religion.
They want to settle with the person God fated for them.
These people do their best to stay true to their religion
So they may please God.
La ilaha ill Allah!

8. The need for time
Some people loved, broke their hearts, and needed time to recover and reflect.

9. Wordly desire
This encompasses peer pressure, the want to be cool, the need for attention, the want to belong, etc.

Just like this:

End of list :o)

Monday, December 5, 2011

It's funny what airplanes can do to me.

It’s about a minute ago when I heard an airplane pass by.
I can hardly contain my thoughts. I sense memory overload. Several memories have flashed back. Few belong to the past and the majority, the product of my creative thinking. Me in Saudi Arabia and the airports of Kuwait and Thailand are tinges from the past. Me garbed lavishly alighting from a US and UK taxi respectively are thoughts woven by my limitless imagination. I can’t help to wonder if many people think like I do. Or should I question do they “over” think like I do. I think a lot. It encompasses reflections, observations, reveries, and nevertheless, dreams of impossibilities. I would like to call such dreams as inconceivable because I think they are the least to happen on me.

Love, wealth, fame—I am one of those who revere of these.
On second thought they aren’t really vital and I can do away without them. On third thought they won’t be so bad to acquire. For the fourth time I thought, but they are a world away from me and then I am reminded of the word impossible (through the will of God though, everything is possible). Believe it or not, I do have fifth thoughts--Oh why can’t they be--be mine asap. Oh sure I over think. I hate over thinking. At times, I don’t. Seldom, I am just so undecided on what to do. Then I hear another plane pass by. An airplane just drove my mind crazy, I thought. It’s funny how a plane can blow my brains off, I thought again. I remember my airport experiences, oh sweet moments. So precious, I thought. Again. Oh no. I do over think.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Was a Christian, am a Muslim

Hi readers! This blog is about the disparity between my antecedent life as a Christian and the life I have now as a servant of Allah Subhana wa ta’aAllah.

My parents used to be faithful and religious Roman Catholics. Working overseas in the Middle East impeded their growth as Catholics. They found no church or whatever way to get closer to Jesus Christ (peace be upon Him) the Roman Catholic way. Instead, they were invited to fellowships by Born-again Christians. There, they became better people; improved their faith; and had someone to hold on to and introduce to us as God. Yes, I grew up in the conservative community of BA Christians. How is it like to be a BA Christian?

Christianity taught me this:

1.       Jesus Christ PBUH is God.

2.       Obey the 10 commandments.

3.       Levy 10% of your income to the church.

4.       Attend the church.

5.       Be sociable and really cordial.

6.       Always say “praise God!” when appropriate.

7.       God is good all the time. All the time God is good.

8.       Pray before eating.

9.       Initiate to lead the prayer if I may.

10.   Be active!

11.   Be generous.

12.   Be sociable.

13.   Learn to play musical instruments esp for fellowships.

14.   The teachings of the bible.

15.   John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have an everlasting life.

So this is the Top 15. These are the foremost matters I can recall. By the way, “be sociable” was showcased twice because I find it a premier quality. As a Christian we went to bible studies twice or thrice a week and being non-sociable is a no-no. BA Christians do not ask that as pre-requisite but common sense, in an area surrounded by people there is no room for being a morose. Right?  Now let me modify these 15 points to showcase that Christianity and Islam has few similarities. :o)
The similarities are indeed very few.
I would like to tell you that Islam is a very specific religion. Well, it is more detailed than Christianity. Others may find it a very demanding religion but once you learn it by heart it will be piece of cake to comply. Actually, I find Islam’s elaborateness an advantage. It provides the most vivid guidelines thus saving its readers from ignorance. You know how people justify themselves with “Oh I did not know it is prohibited” or “I don’t think I am doing illicit, might as well carry on. If I am mistaken, well I did not know.” Also the Quran states what punishment is tantamount to a certain sin. For example: Backbiting your brother or revealing to people negative things about him which he intends to conceal is like eating from his flesh. Readers, the punishment is not harsh. The sin is! If you may find the sentence cruel, understand that Islam does not aim to punish ruthlessly. It bestows that kind of penalty to make one understand how terrible it is to sin. If your mom tells you the cake in front of you is poisoned would you care to eat it to test if it really is deadly? Of course not. Like your mom in the example, Islam aims to sustain your life to the extent of the hereafter. Islam reveals which is forbidden and which is ideal; what punishment is tantamount to a certain sin and what reward is equal to a good deed. Do you know that reciting a mere verse from the Quran can multiply your good deeds to at least 10 and to as much as… basically, more of that? Islam is indeed reasonable, no doubt.
These are snippets of my learnings from Islam: Masha’Allah (praise God)
1.       La ilaha ill Allah Muhamadar rasooloo Allah – There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His prophet.
Among the verses in Islam this is the most liked by Allah Subhana wa ta a’Allah. :o)
2.       Saying “Subhan Allah wa bihamdhi” 100 times has a reward of making you sinless for one day. Masha’Allah! This is how generous Allah is.  :o)
3.       Allah SWT has 99 names. Yes, one God with 99 names from 99 of His qualities. Allah Subhana wa ta’a Allah is indeed the All-Knower, Most merciful, Most generous and 96 more. :o)
4.       The Angels are incapable of committing sins. It is nice to be an angel but Allah knows best why we are humans.
5.       The foremost major sin in Islam is to associate partners with Allah SWT. That is praising deity/ies other than Him; slaughtering an animal while uttering other than His name; and saying for example, I was saved because of Allah and His Messenger. Allah alone does what He wishes. If Allah designates, only Him deserves our praise.
6.       Children, honor and obey your mother. After her your mother. Then your mother after.  After her your mother. Then your mother after.  After her your mother. Then your mother after.  Then your father. Mothers are well respected in Islam. Being unjust to your mother is the second major sin in Islam.
7.       Remain tidy. Bad odour and untidiness pushes our angels away.
8.       Love your neighbor.
9.       Recompense evil with a greater good.
10.   Women, reserve yourselves for your husbands. Do not fornicate.
These are only some of Islam’s teachings. I personally find Islam tranquil and soothing. I have been into a couple of religion and I am glad to finally be a Muslim. It is with Allah that I have found genuine peace. Being a Christian is good but being a Muslim is the best. Islam and its intricate teachings are continuously rectifying my soul. They say no change happens over night. I negate because every time I read Islamic books, I feel renewed and better right away. That is how fast Allah responds. I have prayed many times to Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) before but praying to Allah SWT is way different and brings the most difference. All praises are due to only Allah. :o)

My peculiar dream

Hi everyone! So the next paragraphs pertain to a dream I had one afternoon dated August 10, 2011. I shall say this is the most unusual dream I had. It is very creative and almost impossible. Just ALMOST. I always keep in mind that through God, everything is possible. Oh, my reverie contains scenes with religion matters by the way. I cannot comprehend why but it happened so hehe I included it here. Before you read this, please be more understanding if you may. Some points are unclear but they are not impossible to understand. I wrote this right after I woke up and I was groggy. For me, awaking after an intricate dream is like rising up after inebriating. I don’t know if this is queer but I had a good doze of a hang-over less the intoxicating process.

Last point… :o) If ever a dream-reader reads this post, he/she/you are free to interpret my dream. I’ll be really glad to hear from you: any comment, suggestions, anything and everything you have to say. Thank you.

My dream went like this…

I was I think, in the Philippines, with my youngest brother. We were in the same building while the rest of my family members—my mom, dad, and another brother are in another building.

The day isn’t peculiar. It went like how it did yesterday and the days before except for one occurrence that made a nationwide difference from that moment on. Whilst in that tall multi-floored structure we were caught aghast. We felt the floor move. No, the building moved. But not the ground. None of those in the building saw how the structure transferred from one place to another. We would like to believe it walked. We felt it.

It took couples off huge steps to I do not know where. After that shake, I found myself and my brother near the abode of the rest of my most loved one. We then reunited. The occurrent topped the news--A HUGE DESTRUCTION, A MAJOR WORLD SHAKE. Then I remember an Islamic book which contains the signs of the end of the world. There were three and the magnitudes are listed. If I remember it right, the most destructive is the second. The town weren’t so frightened. It is just as queer as the tsunami in Mexico, in japan, and the riot that famed London. So the next days were normal. Except for me. I had this unique urge to write down those 3 signs in a sheet of white paper. I wrote it in all caps using a pencil. I then inserted it in my black bag then went to school. The college university I had in my dream is so deviant from that in real life. It is way popular, beautiful, and enriched. Actually, the build is tantamount to my genuine school only that in the dream it is grand. It is a richer version so to say. Whilst in school after a couple of classes… well I was tired and felt like I have been to some of my classes. That weird feeling enveloped us all. All those in the school and the world, I assume. All I can notice is the environment I am in. The news states that a second major shake will happen after some minutes. The planet will like shake its inconspicuous hair back and forth so people need to really hold firm to stabilize themselves to prevent being thrown out to somewhere nobody knows. Actually, only Allah knows. After hearing the tidings, I had a quiet time and tried to sense if the second major shake is indeed coming. I felt it and I still had time to prepare. I went back home which is walking distance away from school. I felt like I need a proof if ever I decide to reveal what I know so I bagged the special book and went straight back to school.
I can feel  the shake coming sooner. That moment, it was either morning or afternoon but it felt like doomsday. I had a comfortable outfit, I am so thankful. It helped me a lot. I was garbed with something anti-cold. It was cold but not freezing, It felt even colder because of the fright and unusualness the situation has to bring. From minutes ago, the sky slowly darkened. At that moment, it is darker than mundane. But it’s nothing like the night sky. It is just perfect for the unusualness of the situation. If I am to give it a color, I’ll call it color doomsday. So I sat my self on a room in the fourth floor.  I held firm on my armchair but it felt like it isn’t enough. So like others, I went closer to the bars of the windows and held firm.
I secured my bag which contains a more than high profile information. I remember how I constantly asked my brother to secure the Holy Quran almost right after the first shake.
He ensued and kept it. And the major shake happened. I can see teenagers slip down from the class upon the shaking of the planet. The Earth wasn’t nodding nor is its entirety affirming. It really shook its invisible hair back and forth. Literally. Even those holding on the bars slipped from security. I can see their face--ignorant faces. I felt proud I know just what is happening and that I am in a better disposition amongst them—I am a Muslim. And so the planet got tired and rested for awhile from its whipping. Everyone is frightened. Even I was quite. The shaking felt shorter than how it was. Perhaps it is because I was concentrating on holding really firm. During the Earth shake, I was going in and out the room while holding the bars. I saw from different angles different people. There are times that I let go of the bar to take hold of another from a nearby classroom. I think that happened thrice. I even saw our dog in one of the classrooms. I tried to save him but I wasn’t profoundly willing. I feel bad for not being so because it ended his stay in the area. He was thrown out to perhaps amidst Earth. I’ve tried different chairs, different grills, and different locations. There were moments when the shake stops for awhile. I then took hold of the opportunity to stabilize myself more. I immediately ran my way from one room to another. I saw both new and familiar faces. Seeing them made me wish I can help save them. I want to reveal what I know but I was taken aback by my unconfident and unbrave heart. I experienced holding posts but realized it isn’t steady enough.
 I believe the shake enabled me to transfer from one country to another. Well, I remember foreign faces. I’ll have to say they aided me whilst the shake. They allowed me to sit near them, to stay with them, even to take the place of their just-stood friends. I even encountered a situation where a guy was thrown off because I took over his temporarily vacated seat. I genuinely felt bad but his face was modest and forgiving. The most reliable grills are those in the classrooms. They helped me survive. Now, news updates present that another doom shake might happen any moment now so we shall brace and prepare ourselves. The newscasters proved their reliability in forecasting so I braced myself only to find out the trouble wasn’t occurring as near as we all have expected.  I tried going down stairs. As in, down stairs. I even saw an artist. A real captivating artist. But during that moment, beauty did not matter. Physical beauty, that is. I’ve ridden escalators and walked my way to and fro classrooms to see where I might have a place. Most of them are occupied already. There are times when I feel down and felt like entrusting everything to God—as in just stand and allow whatever to happen; but seeing people strive made me want to save myself. I saw professors kind enough to help me. They were so parent-like. I also tried going outdoors. I went to every place other people would try. There are vacant seats but I sought for the safest. One time, while sitting firmly I narrated that I know what will happen next to random people, one after the other. Their faces were comprehending but they were like mmm okay. They did not really care. My professor differed. When I told him whilst we were outdoors, he tried reviewing the prediction I copied and asked for the paper. Whilst on the classroom I have been constantly checking on the informative paper once in a while and figured out it foretold what the news would update. The names of the shakes are precisely the same. This fact gave me courage to divulge what I know. Oh I even tried the manual elevator some of my professors formed. That is the fastest way to go down and up the building. I think I rode it to rise in altitude. And so the shake happened. It lasted for almost a blink of an eye. It was almost not felt. How do I say that? One moment I was in school then after a blink I found myself standing in front of a field with really beautiful and tall foreign looking people. Desire made me go near those tall ladies wearing transparent tops. All are model-looking in that country or shall I say area. They are so liberated and free-spirited that they managed to enjoy despite of the shakes. Yes, the third quake is still awaited after like two hours. So I found myself sitting beside a real handsome lad and in front of a beast.

Okay this is supposed to be a roaring beast. :o)

Well a really wild and carnivorous animal is in front of me! We are two bleachers apart. I had the courage to stare at it and it as well eyed me then others. This made some frightened and they, including myself transferred to a safer and farther seat. I sat beside another gorgeous man with captivating eyes and life-bringing smile. Yes, he had a life-bringing smile instead of the killer ones. I heard rumors that the beast might run just anywhere. I then transferred to another seat beside a man who looks like a better protector than the preceding men. So the fight started and stopped after some minutes. It was a fight between the beast and one man I suppose. I frequently checked my bag for it gives me light somehow to know I am securing the special book. It feels really good to hold a special book containing what will happen next. I feel thankful. And worried for my family. Now, I cannot remember the subsequent events in my dream.

The murderer cannot be blamed

Hi everyone!
Another day is about to end and unfold for me.
At the moment, I am listening to the radio. I have listened to the radio dozens of time now but this segment is a record maker. This is my first time to hear a quite sensitive issue tackled on air. The caller is a security officer who happens to witness an influential person murdering a random passerby. How unfortunate, I thought. The murdered 26-ish man was just out to buy food when suddenly this manslayer knocked him out thus walloping his delicate head against a rock. This is indeed deplorable. The dreadfulness does not end here. Though a troupe of people saw what had happened, no one is brave enough to divulge what they know. They are all demoralized and intimidated by the murderer’s family’s power. You know, one of my endeavors is to have millions of bucks in my bank account but if money will drive me to this amoral life, I may be contented with where I am now. Hopefully, God will save me against avarice while blessing me with a mmm fruitful life :o) 
You know, I’d have to commend the disc jockeys.
I absolutely concur with their advice. Well, it took them plentiful statements but in a nutshell, they advised the caller to take courage and reveal the truth for in reality, it shall set him free and reward justice onto those deserving of it. Also, insha’Allah it may make the murderer a.k.a drug user realize his mistakes. I cannot judge the so-called manslayer further for I am not entitled to do so. He has the right to be respected and I will not in any way desire to deprive him of that right. I realized that it is profoundly uneasy to be in his shoes. So if we may, let us pray for him. He does not trudge a clear road. There are ample obstacles awaiting him. It is hard to blame him for not complying with the whispers of morality for where he is now is way harder than what we can expect. It is indeed best to wish enlightenment to his soul. I think he has a very lonely heart. I am thankful despite of my problems. I am actually facing a conundrum at the moment and the solvent is easier said than done. This is less intricate than the former enigma, I realized. For that, my heart is thankful.
We all have troubles. No matter how difficult they are, let us never forget that problems exist to make us stronger. They say the only constant in the world is change. Now, it is up to us if we will change for the better or for the contrary. Even pencils undergo change. They may be sharpened to fulfill its mission or be left moribund until total depreciation and waste its existence. Like pencils, we undergo adversity; we face problems almost IMPOSSIBLE to survive. The truth is for every problem is a solution. Even the word impossible says I’M POSSIBLE. Yes, it is possible. Masha’Allah (thank God)
Alrighty. Time to go… It’s getting late already.

Almost a story

             Good evening everyone! It is a pleasure for me to stand before such honorable guests who are so kind to make time for our special event tonight. Indeed, every woman around seems to me like a bachelorette. Ladies, you all look so gracious. But of course, there is this one lady who stands out – a dame in royal red with exemplarily natural beauty. I am so glad she is officially mine. She is no other than my wife. People ask me how I was able to be this successful as early as 27 and how I managed to put up such a successful line of malls, one of which is celebrating its third anniversary today.  I tell them: Being victorious does not happen overnight. Of course, it calls for the bromide qualities namely determination, wise-spending, faith, having a dream and acting upon that calling. Also, another important quality other businessmen fail to enumerate is being inspired. I guess you now know where I get my lasting inspiration.

Today, I am indeed gladdened by the third year of my first shopping precinct. With the efficacious inspiration I have, I can imagine myself doing this kind of service until forevermore, with my true love.

Hi! I am sweet. I mean, I am Trus – Trus Trenchent. I’m sorry for such a silly instauration. But that is true, I am quite sweet. Goshh, I feel so charmed. I can’t help to smile. By the way, it is my pleasure meeting you my lady. By the way, that kind of speech above, well that is my dream anniversary address. These kind of stuffs you know – business, cars, a little bit of a mansion; these are my inspiration. Oh and of course, the girl of my dreams…

Ugh. I got blank in there. I had to pause and revere for some secs. I remembered this lass, well you know she’s kind of wicked. She just enters my stream of thought wherever whenever. Isn’t that genuinely wicked? I have to admit though she is the most gracious lady I have seen. I often see her in the café where I constantly have lunch after the four tiring hours of my life I devote to school. Oh my. But the moment I see her, I just get revived. Did I hear her say 1,001 1,002 1,003 pump? Do you think she’s a physician? Well, she seems to me like a doctress. Duke and duchess, prince and princess; mistress; doctor and… Doctress? Oh golly, I’m making a fool out of myself. Relax Trus.

Alright, back to her. I will never forget the first time I laid my eyes upon her. It was a deplorable day. I was from my Robotics class then went for lunch at the Casanova café. I was so exhausted that I needed to sit outdoors to breathe a little fresh air. I sat in the outermost Eames chair. Well, it was the closest I can get my derriere on. The waitron, used to my invariable order, served me iced java. I was about to savor my delight when I crossed upon a lady in the middle of all the sets of tables and chairs. She was grinning sweetly. I instantly noticed her pink glossy lips and her eye-glassed glinting eyes. The indirect rays of the sun embrowned her Asian black wave. Her grace made me stare for awhile. That’s better, I thought, and sipped my cold coffee. I now feel more comfortable and at ease. Then I noticed she seemed like reminiscing and then spells her happiness down into paper. She paused and smiled as the server laid down her bottle of water. After the waiter has dispersed, she imbibed slowly. She is indeed ladylike, I thought. Even through rehydrating, it shows. After drinking halfway, she femininely closed her journal, tucked it into her fine leather bag, and dispersed from the area. She left me with no less than a smile. No, she left me pulseless. She took my breath away.

After this encounter, I was never late nor absent for school, excluding today. As much as I can’t get her off my mind, I also cannot rise off of my bed! My body is all jittered out. Thinking that I won’t be able to see her today, I felt asleep.

The time now is six o’clock. The time now is six o’clock. Woaaaah! Shocked as I am, I balled over the floor and swiftly looked left from right, right to left with my arms portraying the snake style karate position and my eyes, wide opened. I broke into laughter upon realizing t’was just my sister’s alarm clock. The fuss out of an alarm clock, I thought and grinned again. I then gathered my thoughts back and realized I missed one good day of my life by getting sick. The next thing I knew was making a grimace out of my face due to displeasure.

Early dinner is served honey, called Mom while carrying my arms, supporting me to the dinner table. Can you eat alone my little Trus? Well my Mom is trying to be sweet for she missed me a lot. Her schedule was hectic and mine is either. Well, I would like to believe I too, am busy. Mom, why treat me like a baby? I’m in college now, I uttered with a smile that I wished to seem sweet. I’m just trying to comfort you hunny, don’t worry. I like the smile by the way, comforted Mom. Now that’s one of a boost on the wonders of my ego, I thought. Overwhelmed, I uttered words I did not intend to: but one spoonful from you won’t bother me Mom. Airplane, airplaine eeeeeng, my mom went trying to spoonfeed me the childish airplane way. I swiftly reacted… MOOOM!!! She stopped and burst out with laughter.

After early dinner time was over, I thanked God for the wonderful time I spent with Mom. I maybe sort of a morose but I sure love her a lot. I feel likewise for my supportive Dad. My sister suddenly interrupted, hey brother wanna go with me in my friend’s sister’s wedding? The theme is all about red. I was in my sociable mood and so I was to accept her invitation when my reflex shook my head side by side. No? Good!, my sister sneered. I was like, huh?, but is still on my sociable mood. Do you want me to drive you there instead? The Mr. Nice guy in me suddenly showed off. All my sister could utter were “Wow. Sure. Thanks. That’s the more I like it.”

And so I drove her to the venue. She did not want me to wait so after opening the car door for her, I decided to go home. Just when I was about to stir my wheels, a voluptuous silhouette caught my attention. I first saw her heels. I never really liked heels for women but this time, I saw it flattering a lady, instead of its usual painful feel. I kind of saw her from foot upwards. Her royal red gown was long and quite conservative and had a shining stone at the bosom… I did not intend to sound pervy but she was hot. This is now the part when I get to look at her neck. She is fair skinned. And now, to her head… I kind of felt peculiar. This is very very queer! I was breathless and statued. The lips, oh the red painted lips. The eyes, the glinting vivid eyes. The hair… Is just tied. Like usual. Yet is exquisite. And wonder… ful. Wonderful! That visage, I dried my tearing eyes. I can’t look at her. No more, I told myself. My tears fell more. I felt a poke to my heart. It tightened. I bowed my head and soaked myself into the pain. My tears gushed onto my laps. Anguish enveloped me from toenails, from fingertips, into my bleeding heart. My hands were shaking. I miss her, I whispered. A lot, I realized. That feminine lady from the café… I… I dried my tears once again. My head probed around for her and found her still near my car, dispersing onto the wedding. I opened my cardoor and went out. I felt so dramatic and closed it. I stood awhile, wiped my eyes for the nth time and tried to regain myself. For the second time of the night, I looked at her. She turned backwards and faced me. I was like breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, stare, breathe out, stare, breathe in, stare, breathe out. Then she smiled. That sweet smile again, I thought. With that, I felt relieved. Oh, she was talking to somebody else aback me. I tried to smile and it was terrible. She walked away and my eyes followed her until she sat. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out.

I went inside my car to think about things when suddenly, I heard of these… Serene, will you take Robert as your lawful husband in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, till death do you part? Will you love him with all your mind, with all your soul, and with all of your heart? Her reply was… “I do.” I was well struck. I do?, I repeated. I was still perplexed when she ensued with: “I will love him with all that I am. Forevermore.” It struck me well. I felt numb. My hands were petrified. And my neck. And my jaws. The next thing I heard was “With the power vested upon me I declare you…” Before the priest can continue I immediately turned the radio off. Ugh, a doom from the radio. I should’ve turned it off the moment I heard the wedding rights. Agh, celebrity majestic weddings! Nuff of this and get back to reality! I am just a hello away with my lady. All will be fine Trus. All will be fine. I felt my head aching the precise manner it ached earlier this morning.

“Trus!” My sister tapped me. Oh, I replied while rubbing my eyes. My surprised sister asked, Did you wait since 7p.m.? Goodness, are you sick?. No, No, I’m better now. Ill? I was, earlier but… “So I guess you’re fine now”, she interrupted. I’m glad, she added. Oh hey. Let me introduce my new friend. I’ll call her. Wait awhile okay and keep watch of my bag. Upon hearing this, I felt my heart leap fro and to my soul. I can’t help to smile. I looked at the car mirror and swiftly ran my hands through my hair. I hastily went on my sister’s bag and quickly uttered, may I just check on your bag, Sophora? How kind of you, thank you! I zipped it up and explored upon its inside. Ahh! Alcogel, you’re just right in time. I placed my hand across the air-con and cleansed my fingers with the sanitizer as the scent deodorizes my neutral smelling car. That is so much better, I thought and rubbed my hand against my shirt. As good as new, Trus! I know you’re excited boy! I am too! I can’t wait. What else should I do? I decided to just go out of the car and fixed my shirt again. Nope, I thought and got back to the car. Is it more proper to be out of the car? I asked myself and so I thought of going out. I opened the car door. I was excitedly vexed. I think I had too much caffeine. Oh no, I’m shaking. Then I stood from my seat and boom! She stood vis-à-vis my face. We were a car door apart. She was smiling as ever. Like the first time I saw her, the second, the third, and hours ago. The only difference is that this time, she is smiling at me. Oh how smiley the situation is. I feel so charmed. Oh I do, I do. Abruptly, my sister came. By the way, this is my brother, Trus. Trus, this is my new friend, Chaste. Upon this, I slowly handed her my hand and she warmly took hold of mine then smiled, “Hi Trus”. The feeling was so indescribable. Still, I will try. The beating of my heart paused for a while. I felt petrified. I looked at her as motionless as a rock. I can stare at her for as long as forever and as frequent as every day, I realized. Still staring at her and breathless, the only word I was able to utter is… “Hi.”, with a pleased smile.
